The swallows have gone and summer temperatures of 30 (or even 40!) degrees seem like a distant memory. However, this does not mean a gardening hiatus until May. With a little ongoing maintenance over the autumn and winter months you can have a garden to enjoy […]
I advocate making use of the garden ‘down time’ during autumn and throughout winter to get ahead of the game so that you can start enjoying the garden right from spring. If you wait until spring to restart your garden maintenance regime you may not be able […]
The perfect English sward is a source of amusement amongst some of the local Frenchies here, but no-one can doubt that a neat lawn does beautifully set off neighbouring planted beds. Lawns are one of the higher maintenance and less environmentally friendly areas of the garden, […]
Previously living in Bristol not far from the edge of the Cotswolds and working mostly in Bath and the surrounds, I was often in contact with limestone. My journeys through the countryside from garden to garden were often guided by a labyrinth of limestone walls that […]